Episode 27 | Identifying Your Unique Selling Proposition (USP)

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When you find the Unique Selling Proposition (USP) of your product or service, the floodgates open to more and better customers. It's almost magical. We broke down the HOW as well as highlighted companies that made giant leaps on the heels of a well thought out, compelling USP. Don't miss this one!

Here’s peak inside what we covered in Episode 27:

  • Although USPs are the door openers to success, essentially, the research and science behind them is what makes a business successful.

  • It’s important to identify holes in the marketplace. Despite what industry a business is operating in, you have to identify the “pain points” in the market place to get a better understanding of the product/service that needs to be launched.

  • Some helpful resources to identify “pain points” of customers include Facebook Ad library, mailing lists and Facebook groups.

  • Once the research is complete, it’s time to come up with effective ways to solve problems and come up with creative solutions.

  • It’s crucial to constantly evolve and refine your USP overtime through feedback from both existing and lost customers to create a bulletproof offer.

  • “Cheap” doesn’t guarantee loyalty – Instead of competing on price as a USP, focus on creating a unique experience for your customers.

  • It’s essential to take elements from both ends of the spectrum (i.e. both small and big businesses) to come up with a USP.

  • Put yourself front and center. Humanising and personalising a product/service may help speed up business growth – Tell stories through your product/service to inspire customers to relate to your “pain point” at a personal level.

  • Whether your USP is language, experience or personalisation, it’s important to carry the USP through to all forms of marketing and every piece of communication because ultimately, consistency builds credibility.


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Sales Velocity TV and Radio is sponsored by PipelinePRO, the Ultimate “All-In-One” Sales Pipeline Management & Marketing Automation Platform that makes ALL others obsolete. And we can prove it!

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