Episode 29 | Tough Talk On Scaling Your Business

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Scaling your business is a difficult decision to make. Most want to do it to make more money. But that's only one small part of it. In this Episode we broke down the KEY three elements that must be securely in place BEFORE you can even think about Scaling.

Here’s peak inside what we covered in Episode 29:

  • How the “operations” side of your business translates into customer experience and fulfilment.

  • How to be razor sharp about how you operate, prior to bringing in any sales because of the risk of a bad customer experience.

  • Why a clearly defined operations model is extremely important in today’s business world so you don’t “break” your own business.

  • Why it’s important to take two steps back and three steps forward instead of reaching too far too fast.

  • How “mathematical models” are important in each part of the key pillars. For example; How many sales conversions can you do per sales person?

  • What the difference is between a “scaling” mindset and a “make money quick” mindset.

  • How fast you earn revenue isn’t the definition of a successful business, it’s important to also focus on customer experience and stability.

  • Why “scaling” is important for a stable foundation.

  • Why having an effective sales process comes before marketing your product and business.

  • How and why “he who can spend the most (to get a customer) always wins.”

  • What has to happen if you want to scale into bigger and less aware audiences.

  • Why rapid creative testing is extremely essential in today’s world.

  • How operations, sales and marketing is an interconnected process, and each one needs to be effectively in place for a business to grow.


Cameron Herold - COO Training Follow Sales Velocity TV & RADIO on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube

Sales Velocity TV and Radio is sponsored by PipelinePRO, the Ultimate “All-In-One” Sales Pipeline Management & Marketing Automation Platform that makes ALL others obsolete. And we can prove it!

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